Import of accreditation |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
The TOPICA Web Framework has a built-in functionality to import the full accreditation hierarchy from a XML-file.
In menu line choose "Accreditation" then choose the "import" tab to make the import form appear. Import is split into two tasks:
First upload the file to server:
Browse for the input file and press "Upload" button to upload the file
Then the import form is how here you can choose whether to import all versions or only a specific version:
By choosing "Overwrite existing" and only a specific version only data for the specific version is imported, not Sectors, themes and categories
By choosing "Overwrite existing" and all versions also data for sectors, themes and categories are imported
Also a matix with possible actions to perform is shown. In the vertical axis is the type of data to import
Key Words
Document References
Journal Audits
Groups, Standards and Indicators
In the horizontal axis the actions to perfom when importing data
Delete existing
Overwrite existing
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If you choose "Overwrite existing" for "Groups, Standards and Indicators" this will happen:
Thus use this option if you want to update texts but not id's. If you choose "Delete existing" for "Groups, Standards and Indicators" this will happen:
Thus use this option only if you want to "clean" the distribution or when you want to change id's. |
When choosing a version that does not allready exist in the database it is indifferent which action is chosen as all data from the import file will be inserted in all cases.
Finally press the "Import" button start importing the accreditation hierarchy. While importing progress status is written to the import form.