Database Table StdGroup |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
This table holds the group nodes in the accreditation base data hierarchy (tree).
The "leaves" in this tree are Standard objects.
Field name | Type | Note | Description |
StdGroupCode | VARCHAR (20) | Primary Key | Group code. |
StdGroupName | VARCHAR(255) | Editable | Group name |
StdGroupDescription | VARCHAR(MAX) | Editable | Description |
StdGroupParentCode | VARCHAR (20) | Reference to the parent group. This is a self-reference (reference to some other record in the same table). Used to construct the group hierachy. | When this field is NULL (or blank), this group node has no parent, and is therefore at the top of the hierarchy (root of the tree). Such top nodes are typically used for sectors (but is is configurable what each level in the hierarchy is labeled in the user interface). The application implements rules for code numbering of groups and standards. These rules may be overridden by user, and the values of the code does NOT determine the standard group's position in the hierarchy. |
Table | Relation |
StdGroup | Parent group (self-relation). See field StdGroupParentCode above. |
1:N relation - the standards in this group |