Database Table Finding |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
The Finding table contains findings registered by surveyors per indicator
Field Name | Type | Note | Description |
Id | INT | Primary Key | Internal unique id |
CreatedDateTime | DATETIME | Date and time for creation of finding | |
CreatedBy | INT | Reference to Employee: id of user who created the finding | |
UpdatedDateTime | DATETIME | Date and time for latest update of finding | |
UpdatedBy | INT | Reference to Employee: id of user who latest updated the finding | |
DeletedDateTime | DATETIME | Date and time for (logical) deletion of finding | |
DeletedBy | INT | Reference to Employee: id of user who (logically) deleted the finding | |
SurveyId | INT | Reference to Survey | |
OrgUnitType | VARCHAR (20) | Reference to OrgUnit: subunit below institution, that owns survey | |
OrgUnitCode | VARCHAR (20) | Reference to OrgUnit: subunit below institution, that owns survey | |
StandardCode | VARCHAR (20) | Reference to Indicator | |
VersionNumber | INT | Reference to Indicator | |
IndicatorCode | VARCHAR (20) | Reference to Indicator | |
FindingDate | DATETIME | Date and time for finding | |
Description | VARCHAR(MAX) | Description of finding | |
FollowUp | BIT | Whether or not to follow up on finding | |
FollowUpText | VARCHAR(MAX) | Why and/or how to follow up on finding | |
GoodPractice | BIT | Whether or not finding is an example of good practice - NB: not used! | |
CriticalFinding | BIT | Whether or not finding is critical - NB: not used! | |
CriticalAction | VARCHAR(MAX) | What to do with critical finding - NB: not used! | |
FindingCategory | INT | Reference to FindingCategory | |
FindingClassification | INT | Reference to FindingClassification - NB: not used! | |
TracerId | INT | Reference to Tracer |