Export of accreditation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The TOPICA Web Framework has a built-in functionality to export the full accreditation hierarchy from an existing configuration and resuse it in a new or other existing configuration.

Exporting the accreditation hierarchy

In menu line choose "Accreditation" then click the "Export" tab to make the export form appear.

Before pressing the export button you can choose:

  • If all versions or just a specific version is exported.

  • Whether or not to include the blog comments in the export file.

Finally press the export button start exporting the accreditation hierarchy. After the export has finished a XML-file is writtien to the configurations temp directory in the folder \accreditation\export. The export form has a link to the file. Left click the link to open the generated file in the browser. Right clik the link to save it to another location of your own choice.