Secondary Distribution |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Secondary distribution is the process of distributing standard (versions) from institution to subunits (e.g. departments) below this institution.
On the property page of the institution is a checkbox labeled "Use org.unit fuctions for primary distritubion".
When this checkbox is NOT checked, every department may receive every standard(version).
When this checkbox IS checked, the system compares the functions registered on the standards with the functions registered on the institution. A sub-unit per default receives a standard, if one or more function is registered on both the sub-unit and the standard.
This makes it possible to "tailor" the sub-units (departments) so that they receive different standard versions depending on the type / function of the subunit.
Even if this mode is used, it is possible to override the default distribution, so that any subunit may receive any standard version.
Select the subunit (set it in context).
Clicking the submenu item "Distribution" will display two commands:
Secondary distribution - click this to view/alter secondary distribution for this subunit.
Tertiary distribution
Select the institution (set it in context).
Clicking the submenu item "Distribution" will display the following:
At the top will be shown a link "Secondary distribution (schema)". Clicking this link will display a matrix - rows are the (active) subunits below the institution, columns are the standard versions distributed to the institution.
A table with one row per subunit.
Clik the subunit type, code or name to go to secondary distribution - one subunit at a time.
One column in the table displays checkboxes. These control the "active" status. Only the subunits where this checkbox is checked take part in the accreditation process (distribution, selfevaluation, record audit, survey).