TmplItem Reference |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Description of the elements used for configureing forms and structure.
The class TmplItem is the root in a class hierachy, that describes all the elements that may be used to configure input forms (see Working with Forms) and The Structure File.
Many, but not all, of the fields defined in classes in this class hierachy, are settable in the XML files. All fields settable in XML files may be edited Using the Editor.
Unfortunately it is not apparent from the documentation for the TmplItem, which fields are not editable (the API reference is generated automatically from the source code).
Attribute | Type | Description |
Hidden | Boolean | Hidden fields generate fields in DataDictionary (and hence database), but are not visible in input form. |
Deleted | Boolean | The template item (and anything below it) is skipped when generating DataDictionary, so fields will not be generated in database. |
ExcludeFromPrint | Boolean | The template item is excluded from the printed version of the form |
Comment | String | Internal comment for use by form designer |
ClearOnCopy | Boolean | The template item will be cleared before copying (see: EnableCopying attribute on Form Reference) |
VisibleComputation | String | TOPICA basic computation (formula) that must evaluate to a boolean value controlling visibility of item - true => item is visible |
ClassNameLabel | String | Stylesheet classname for the label generated for this template item |
ClassNameLabelCell | String | Stylesheet classname for table cell containing label |
ClassNameControl | String | Stylesheet classname for the control genereated for this template item |
ClassNameControlCell | String | Stylesheet classname for table cell containing control |
StyleLabel | String | Inline style for the label generated for this template item |
StyleLabelCell | String | Inline style for table cell containng label |
StyleControl | String | Inline style for the control generated for this template item |
StyleControlCell | String | Inline style for table cell containing control |
OnKeyDown | String | Custom JavaScript for onkeydown event |
OnKeyUp | String | Custom JavaScript for onkeyup event |
OnKeyPress | String | Custom JavaScript for onkeypress event |
OnClick | String | Custom JavaScript for onclick event |
OnChange | String | Custom JavaScript for onchange event |
OnFocus | String | Custom JavaScript for onfocus event |
OnBlur | String | Custom JavaScript for onblur event |
PreProcess | String | URL pointing to a pre process that will be executed before the form is loaded. The pre process should return xml that can then be parsed by template items on the form to set a default value. |
PostProcess | String | URL poiting to a post process that will be executed each time the form is saved. |