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TOPICA Report ReportParam

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The ReportParam element defines one parameter, that is passed to the report.

A parameter may be visible as an input control in the report start-up form (i.e. user may enter values for each parameter) - or it may be hidden (the parameter is used to pass a value computed from the context, see Understanding Context).

ReportParam attributes





TOPICA Basic expression (string)

The TOPICA Basic expression is evaluated - it should return a Boolean value.

false: The parameter does not generate any input control, nor is the parameter value passsed to the report.

true: The parameter generates input control in the report start-up form (except when ParamType="Context", see below), and the parameter value is passed to the report.



The name to be used in the report to access the value of the paramater.



The label displayed in the user interface.

If not specified, the value of ParamName is used.



The type of the parameter. Legal values:





The user may enter an integer number.


The user may enter a (double precision) decimal number.


Default value (checked or not) is controlled by the ParamChecked attribute.


The user may select one value from a dropdown list.

The list of values displayed is computed form attribut ExpressionString.


The user may select one value - or any number of values - from a listbox. refer to MultiValue and SelectAll attributes.

The list of values displayed is computed form attribut ExpressionString.


This type does NOT generate any input control in the report start-up form. It is used to pass values ompuated form context to the report

The value to pass to the report is specified by a TOPICA Basic expression in attribute ExpressionString.



For ParamType="Context" the content is evaluated as a TOPICA Basic expression, and the resulting value is passed to the report.

For types DropDownList and ListBox, the content must be an SQL query, which may or may have embedded TOPICA Basic expressions. First, any embedded expresssions are evaluated and substituted. The resulting string must be a valid SQL query, that returns (as a minimum) 2 columns with these names: Value and Text.

The Value column defines the values that may be sent to the report.

The Text column defines the strings displayed in the dropdown / listbox.


String (TOPICA Basic expression)

Only used when ParamType="CheckBox"

The TOPICA Basic expression is evaluated - it should evaluate to a boolean value.

The evaluated boolean value controls the initila (default) state of the checkbox. The user may change this value.


String (TOPICA Basic expression)

This attribute only has effect for ParamType="ListBox".

The TOPICA Basic expression is evaluated - it should evaluate to a Boolean value.

false: user can select only one value from the listbox.

true: user may select any number of values in the listbox.

Default value is true for backward compatibility reasons.


String (TOPICA Basic expression)

This attribute only has effect for ParamType="ListBox".

The TOPICA Basic expression is evaluated - it should evalute to a Boolean value.

false: no values in the listbox is initially selected.

true: all values in the listbox are initially selected.

Default value is true.


String - with optional embedded TOPICA Basic expressions.

The resulting text is displayed to the right of the actual paramater. May be used to display guidance etc.


String - with optional embedded TOPICA Basic expressions.

The resulting text is displayed as a tooltip when the mouse cursor hovers over the row for the actual parameter.

Note that the Internet Explorer browser does NOT display tooltip, when the mouse cursor hovers over a listbox!

See Also

Other Resources

TOPICA Report Format