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DataDictionaryField Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The DataDictionaryField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaption
The text displayed in the input form.
Public propertyComputedColumnSQL
Get/Set ComputedColumnSQL
Public propertyDataColumnType
SystemType of DataColumn
Public propertyDataType
Type of data stored in database.
Public propertyDescription
Internal description of field
Public propertyDimension
True => field is used as base for a dimension in a cube (DataWarehouse).
Public propertyEnumCollection
Enum values for this field.
Public propertyFieldName
Field name defined by DataName in form template. Used as field name in database.
Public propertyFieldSize
Width of text fields. Nonzero => generate VARCHAR(nnn), 0 => TEXT (arbitrary length).
Public propertyHasEnums
Has this field enumeration values?
Public propertyHistoryCaption
The text displayed in the history view
Public propertyHistoryOnly
Get HistoryOnly - false: normal field, true: only in history table
Public propertyIsComputed
Is field computed.
Public propertyIsDateStart
Field is used as DateStart
Public propertyIsDateStop
Field is used as DateStop
Public propertyIsIdentity
Field is IDENTITY in database (autoincrement).
Public propertyIsIndex
Generate index on this field.
Public propertyIsInternal
Field is auto generated internal field
Public propertyIsPersisted
Get/Set IsPersisted
Public propertyIsStatus
Field is auto-generated and used for misc. status information.
Public propertyLink
Link (e.g. URL) to external description of field
Public propertyLookupViewName
Return the name of the lookup view for this enum field (if the field is not enum an empty string is returned")
Public propertyMapToExternalField
Get/Set MapToExternalField: Reference to fiel in external system
Public propertyMeasure
True => field is used as base for a measure in a cube (DataWarehouse).
Public propertyNonBlankCaption
Get a non-blank caption : first nonblank value in this sequeunce: Caption, HistoryCaption, FieldName
Public propertyNonBlankHistoryCaption
Get a non-blank historycaption : first nonblank value in this sequeunce: HistoryCaption, Caption, FieldName
Public propertyReferencesField
Get/set ReferencesField : Reference to field in table specifed by ReferencesTable
Public propertyReferencesTable
Get/set ReferencesTable: Reference to table in current database
Public propertySetValueOnCopy
Get/Set SetValueOnCopy: An expression used to compute value in newly created record in copy operation.
Public propertyViewName
Field name in auto-generated views etc.
See Also