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DataDictionaryTableField Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The DataDictionaryTableField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualCaption
Get ActualCaption
Public propertyActualHistoryCaption
Get ActualHistoryCaption
Public propertyActualViewName
Get ActualViewName
Public propertyAllowNull
Get AllowNull
Public propertyCaption
Get Caption
Public propertyComputationDefault
Get ComputationDefault
Public propertyComputedColumnSQL
Get ComputedColumnSQL
Public propertyDataDictionaryField
Get DatadictionaryField
Public propertyDataDictionaryTable
Get DatadictionaryTable
Public propertyDataType
Get DataType
Public propertyDescription
Gets Description
Public propertyDimension
Gets Dimension
Public propertyDotNetType
Get the .NET type that corresponds to DataType
Public propertyFieldName
Get FieldName
Public propertyFieldSize
Gets FieldSize
Public propertyHasEnums
Gets HasEnums
Public propertyHistoryCaption
Get Caption
Public propertyIsComputed
Gets IsComputed
Public propertyIsDateStart
Gets IsDateStart
Public propertyIsDateStop
Gets IsDateStop
Public propertyIsIdentity
Gets IsIdentity
Public propertyIsIndex
Gets IsIndex
Public propertyIsInternal
Gets IsIdentity
Public propertyIsStatus
Gets IsStatus
Public propertyLink
Gets Link
Public propertyListColumn
Get/set ListColumn : list column number
Public propertyMapToExternalField
Get MapToExternalField
Public propertyMeasure
Gets Link
Public propertyNonBlankCaption
Public propertyNonBlankHistoryCaption
Get a non-blank history caption (defaults to field name, if caption not specifed otherwise)
Public propertyPhraseEnabled
Get/set PhraseEnabled : whether phrases are enabled for this field
Public propertySequenceNumber
Get SequenceNumber
Public propertySetValueOnCopy
Get SetValueOnCopy
Public propertyTableCaption
Get TableCaption
Public propertyTableName
Get TableName
Public propertyViewName
Get viewname
See Also