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Creating a Database

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This pages describes how to create a database for a configuration

Database server environments

Creating a database "from scratch" requires "create database" and "drop database" rights in the SQL Server. These rights may differ between database server environments. Typical types of database server environments are:

  • "Normal" environments, where the configurator / deployer has permission to create and drop databases.

    • This is typically the case in development and test environments.

    • In this type of environment, the configurator / deployer can create any number of databases "from scratch".

  • "Managed" environments, where permission to create and drop databases is restricted to a few key staff members (database administrators, aka. DBAs). This is typically the case in production environments. In such environments, creating a new database requires the following steps:

    1. A DBA creates an empty database and two corresponding SQL Server logins (an application login and an administrator login). The created logins must have specific setting for default schema and database - refer to the command line scripts for details.

    2. The configurator / deployer setting up a database for the TOPICA application then proceeds to:

      1. Create the database objects (tables, views, stored procedures, etc.) needed for a TOPICA application in the new database.

      2. Connect the configuration with the new database.

Creating a database
  • Versions 4.25 and later:

  • Versions 4.24 and earlier:

    • All database management is done using command line scripts - see Database Management using Scripts.

    • After creating a database, the configurator / deployer must set up the "database connection string" in the key Database in the Server.config file of the relevant configuration.