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DataDictionaryRelation Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The DataDictionaryRelation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCardinality
Gets Cardinality
Public propertyCardinalitySymbol
Get cardinality
Public propertyChildTable
Gets ChildTable
Public propertyChildTableName
Get ChildTableName
Public propertyDisplayAtTop
Get "display at top" status
Public propertyHidden
Get/Set Hidden : hidden means that relation exists in database, but hidden in user interface
Public propertyIsArrayTable
Get IsArrayTable : whether child table i array table
Public propertyIsRelationFromRoot
Get IsRelationFromRoot : whether relation is from root table
Public propertyParentTable
Gets ParentTable
Public propertyParentTableName
Get ParentTableName
Public propertySequenceNumber
Get/set sequence number (for maintaining sequence)
See Also