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DataDictionaryTable Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The DataDictionaryTable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccessModeDenied
Get/set access mode for handling data, where read access is denied (show or not...)
Public propertyAccessModeDeniedCheckInherited
Get access mode for handling data, where read access is denied - check inherited
Public propertyAccessModeRead
Get/set access mode for read operations
Public propertyAccessModeReadCheckInherited
Get access mode for read operations - check inherited
Public propertyAccessModeWrite
Access mode for write operations
Public propertyAccessModeWriteCheckInherited
Get access mode for write operations - check inherited
Public propertyApprove
Get/set Approve: specifies whether objects of this type must be approved
Public propertyAugmentedView
Get set field that specifies whether this table should generate "augmented view"
Public propertyAutoCreate
Get/set AutoCreate - deciding whether instances of this table should be created automatically when parent table is created.
Public propertyCaption
Display name
Public propertyClosable
Get/set "closable" status - "close" checkbox only visible when Closable is true
Public propertyComputationCount
Return # of computations
Public propertyComputations
Get/set collection of computations
Public propertyCreateOrgUnitList
Generate one "create" command per legal data owner (use with caution!)
Public propertyCustomQueries
Gets/sets customQueryCollection
Public propertyDataDictionary
Get the DataDictionary this table is member of
Public propertyDataTable
Get DataTable (including columns for history only)
Public propertyDataTableWithHistory
Get DataTableWithHistory (including columns for history only)
Public propertyDataTableWithoutHistory
Get DataTableWithoutHistory (excluding columns for history only)
Public propertyDefaultForm
This form will be opened by default when creating (opening?) new patient
Public propertyDefaultLastPreviousPrompt
Prompt for using data from last previous record
Public propertyDefaultLastPreviousSource
Use data from last previous record as default value
Public propertyDescription
Internal description of table
Public propertyDraftMode
Get/set "draft mode"
Public propertyExternalRelationCollection
Get ExternalRelationCollection
Public propertyExternalRelationCount
# of external relations
Public propertyFieldCount
Number of fields in this table
Public propertyFilename
Get/set Filename
Public propertyFlatView
Get set field that specifies whether this table should generate "flat view"
Public propertyGenerateSQL
true : generates table in database false: does NOT generate table in database (used for root only)
Public propertyHidden
Hidden, i.e. table exists in database, but hidden in user interface
Public propertyHistoryTableName
Get HistoryTableName : Name of history table
Public propertyImageClosed
Gets/Sets imageclosed
Public propertyImageComplete
Gets/sets imageComplete
Public propertyImageFile
Image file used for icon in user interface (tree view etc.)
Public propertyImageIncomplete
Gets/sets imageIncomplete
Public propertyImagePlanned
Gets/sets ImagePlanned
Public propertyIsArrayTable
Is this DataDictionaryTable an ArrayTable
Public propertyIsRoot
Table is root in hierarchy
Public propertyIsShared
Data in this tables is shared among 2 or more forms
Public propertyLink
Link (e.g. URL) to external description of table
Public propertyMergeByFieldName
If set, use this field for merging: - get value of this field - lookup existing record having same value - if lookup record found, use it in further merge of subrecords, - otherwise create new record (by copying source record).
Public propertyMergeNewestFieldName
In case of merge conflict (e.g. 1:1 relation on destination patient already contains record), and merge conflict handling status (ConflictSurvivor) is "newest", the field specified in this property is used to determine which record is newest. Default value: use "lasted touched" date/time (create or updated date/time). When specified the value must refer to a DateTime field in the current table!
Public propertyMergePatientLevel
When merging with lookup by field name MergeByFieldName, default behavior is to look up only in current parent record. Set this property to true to lookup in all records (in requested table) on patient.
Public propertyOrgUnitConfigure
true : table kan be configured (enabled) for each org. unit
Public propertyOrgUnitRelation
Specifies how rows in this table are related to org.unit (= data owner)
Public propertyOrgUnitRelationFixed
Get OrgUnitRelationFixed : true : old relation system, where each table has 1 hardcoded relation to OrgUnit false : new external relation systems - all external relations configurable
Public propertyPatientAccessMode
Patient access mode
Public propertyPatientAccessModeCheckInherited
Gets/sets PatientsAccessMode
Public propertyPlan
Get/set Plan: specifies whether objects of this type may be planned
Public propertySearchable
Get/set "searchable" status
Public propertySequenceNumber
Sequence number - used to maintain sequence of tables (necessary in order to drop tables in correct order when using referential integrity)
Public propertySingleOpen Obsolete.
Get/set "single open status" - if true, it is impossible to create new instance, if open instance exist in current context.
Public propertySingleOpenMode
Get/set "single open mode"
Public propertySortByField
Field name used for sorting in user interface
Public propertySortDescending
Sort ascending (false) or descending (true)
Public propertyStructureType
Type of structure element / table
Public propertyTableFieldCollection
Relations to fields
Public propertyTableName
Get TableName - name of table in database
Public propertyViewName
Get/Set ViewName (optional - if blank use autogenerated name)
See Also