Database Table OrgUnitType |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Each row in OrgUnitType defines an organizational unit type (the SYSTEM type is always the root, other examples of types include reg, kom, sgh, afd etc.)
Field name | Type | Note | Description |
Type | VARCHAR(20) | Type of an organizational unit. | |
Name | VARCHAR(255) | Name of the organizational unit type | |
NamePlur | VARCHAR(255) | The name of the organiational unit tye in plural | |
DisplayAncestor | VARCHAR(20) | The fullname of the organizational unit can include the name of an ancestor. DisplayAncestor defines which ancestor tye should be used. | |
AccessAncestor | VARCHAR(20) | Refers to another organizational unit type. Extends the users data access permissions so that the user in adddition to having access to data owned by the users organizational units also has access to data owned by ancestors of those organizational units with the given sAccessAncestor types. | |
Hidden | bit | Defines whether organizational units with this type should be shown in the organizational unit hierarchy. | |
IsInstitution | bit | Used in accreditation (see Accreditation documentation for more info) | |
IsAccrInstitution | bit | Used in accreditation (see Accreditation documentation for more info) | |
ClassName | VARCHAR(20) | Used to group organizational unit types with access permissions. Users employed by an organizational unit in a class may not edit assign permissions in any other class to users. This may be used to define some permissions as usable for central users and other permisison as usable for decantral users. I.e. a user employed centrally may not assign decentral permissions to users - and the other way round. | |
PrefixParentCode | bit | Whether or not the code of new organizational units with this type must be prefixed with the code of the parent organizational unit to be valid | |
MatchExpression | VARCHAR(255) | A regular expression that the code of new organizational units must match to be valid (can be null in which case no check is made) | |
ErrorText | VARCHAR(255) | The error message presented to the user creating a new organiational unit if the code doesn't match the regular expression in MatchExpression |