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* SQL Queries

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The SQL Query functionality makes it possible for system administrators (e.g. configurators) to run "ad hoc" queries and/or execute SQL commands on the database.

Security note Security Note

This functionality is only available for users having the "Everything" permission (i.e. system administrators).

Caution note Caution

Using this function requires a very good knowledge of the underlying database structure. The entered SQL is passed unchecked on to the database for execution. The user has all possibilities to do anything with the database, including deleting data.

It is possible to work on both the Static Data Model and the Dynamic Data Model.

Executing SQL on the database

Select "Tools / SQL / Query" from the main menu to start up.

Enter the desired SQL query/command in the textbox. Then press the "OK" button to execute the SQL query/command.

Displaying Results

The entered SQL may generate to types of results - each displayed in its own tab:

  • Results

    • If the SQL entered was a query (e.g. a SELECT command), a result set is displayed. This result set is displayed in a grid view.

      The result set is displayed with "paging". Per default 10 rows are displayed at a time - this number may be changed by the user.

    • 3 links appear below the grid view - these make it possible to export the result to a text file. Each link represents an output format:

      • Tab separated text file

      • Comma separated text file

      • Semicolon separated text file

      When clicking one of the links, the result is written to a text file with the chosen format, and the export form is shown is a new browser window.

      In the export form the user has the following options:

      • Left-click the "Result" link to open the file in the browser.

      • Right click "Result" link and select "Save target as..." to download the file, i.e. save the text file in the file system of your client PC.

  • Messages

    • Messages are typically output from PRINT statements.