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Application Guide

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Guidance for using applications built with TOPICA.

Since TOPICA may be used to build very different types of applications, this guide does not give the full picture of how to use the finished application. This guide explains what applications built with TOPICA have in common - i.e. the functionality built into the framework.

Note Note

For modules running integrated in a context manager, this guide is not very helpful, as much of the user interface is defined by the context manager application.

Application functionality divided by type of users:

Note Note

Internally in TOPICA there is an object class called "Patient". This is per default called "Patient" in the user interface. But it is possible to configure this label to something else, e.g. "citizen". That is: when using this option, everywhere the user interface normally displays "patient", it now displays "citizen". Therefore: any mention of "patient" is this documentation might as be "citizen".