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* Document References

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The "Document references" module is not present in all versions of TOPICA

Note Note
  • In data model versions 4.20 and newer, the "Document references" module is a standard part of TOPICA's "static" data model (i.e. automatically installed when a new dtabse is built).

  • In data model versions 4.9 to 4.19, the "Document references" module was an optional "add-on". To enable then functionality, a special SQL script should be run - creating the necesasry data model.

  • In data model versions 4.8 and earlier, the "Document references" module does not exist.

The code implementing the functionality for "Document references" IS built into the framework, however (in TOPICA version 4.9 and newer). I.e. no special action must be taken in order to activate the functionality. The code in the framework tests for the existence of the necessary data model. If the data model supports "Document references", the corresponding functionality is enabled in the user interface.

This topic contains the following sections.

What is the "Document reference" functionality actually?

"Document reference" enables end users to associate "documents" (= files) to organizational units.

"Documents" may be of the following types:

  • A reference to a physical document in the "real world" (e.g. a book, a printed report, hand written notes, etc.). The document is identified by a text field intended hold the physical location (e.g "manager's office, top shelf, to the left").

  • A reference to a digital document. The document is identifed by a field holding a URL. The document may be stored in the organization's document management system - or anywhere on the intranet or internet.

  • Uploaded document. The entire document (a file) is uploaded to the database. Any file type may be saved as uploaded documents (e.g. Microsoft Office documents, PDF files, images, etc.) - but limitations may be configured (see "Set up" chapter below).

    Note Note

    There is a limit to the size of the file that may be uploaded. This limit is defined in the framework's Web.config file.

Caution note Caution

Do not confuse documents stored in the "document references" sub-system with douments uploaded using the TOPICA Explorer.

  • "Document references" are stored in the database. This makes it possible to associate individual documents (references) to organizational units. Data in "Document references" will be backed up together with the rest of the database (note that only uploaded documents are stored entirely in the database and consequently gets save in backups - for the other types, only the reference data (physical location or URL, respectivley) is stored in the database and hence in backups).

  • Documents (files) uploaded using the TOPICA Explorer are saved on the web server. It is NOT possible to associate individual documents to organizational units. Data is NOT saved in database backups. There might be a backup of the web server's file system, though.

Set up

After initial installation, the "Document references" functionality is NOT avaliable.

In order to use this functionality, it must be enabled. This is done per type of organization unit. I.e. it is possible to enable "document references" on hospitals and not on hospital departments - or the other way around.

Go to Organisation Structure, select a unit types in the left pane, select the "DocRef" tab in the right pane, enter values controlling which types of document references may be handled by the unit type, save.

Set an orgainzational unit in context (type should be one of the types set up to handle "document references". Verify that a sub-menu item (tab) "DocRef" is visible, and that document references of the configured types may be created.

Security note Security Note

Current user must have special permissions to create/edit document references.

Document reference properties






Values defined in database - may vary per environment.

Released for survey


The checkbox is only visible when the Accreditation sub-system is installed.

The checkbox is used to mark document reference as released for survey. Default value = checked (= true).

Valid from


Valid to



Single-line text field (string)


Multi-line text field (string)

Content type

Radiobutton group



Reference to physical document.

Choosing this option displays a multi-line text field Location, where user must enter physical location of document.

Reference to electronic document.

Choosing this option displays a text field URL, where user must enter an URL to the document.

This URL is dsplayed as a hyperlink enabling users to view the document from its original location.

Uploaded document.

In create mode, the user must browse for a document in the user's local file system.

In read/update mode, a hyperlink is displayed, allowing the user to view the uploaded document. Ther is also a button used to clear the field. When the form is saved, the uploaded document is removed from the database.

Document reference relations

Document references are related to organizational units (see Organization Administration) - nothing else.

Document references are "inherited". That is: a document reference created on an organizational unit is visible on all descendant organizational units (= organizational units "below" the unit holding the document reference in the organizatrional hierarchy). When the user sets an organizational unit in context and selects the "Documentation" tab in sub-menu, all ancestors organizational units are displyed in the list to the left. Clicking an organizational unit in this list displays the document references related to that organizational unit.