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Login and Logout

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This topic contains the following sections.

Login methods

TOPICA contains a standard login form.

  • In versions 4.23 and newer, the standard login form implements 2 built-in (standard) methods "log in as employee" and "login as patient". In addition, custom login methods may be configured. See Configuring LogIn. If more than one login method is configured, a tabset is displayed. This tabset will contain one tab for each configured login method (built-in or custom).

  • In versions 4.22 and older, the standard login form implements 2 built-in (standard) methods: "login is employee" or "loging as patient". If both are enabled, the end user selected between these methods using radio buttons.

Which login method(s) are enabled depends on the current configuration. Therefore, this documentation cannot describe the full range of possibities - only give some examples.

Login as employee

The built-in method to log in as employee uses authentication based on username and password. An employee with the specified username and password must exist in the database, in order for the login to succeed.

Employees are created with relations to:

  • organizational units

  • profiles (consisting of permissions).

These relations take part in determining the user's access rights (e.g. authorization / security).

Login as patient (citizen)

The built-in method to login as patient uses only national ID for authentication.

Caution note Caution

In release 4.22 and older, the user interface displays a password field, but it is not used! In release 4.23, there is no password input field (but the label remains, suggesting the password field may reappear in the future).

Because no password is used, and no other secret information is supplied, "Login as patient" (in the current implementation) has no security whatsoever. This login method is to be used for testing purposes only. It should never be used in production scenarios!

A patient with the specified national ID must exist in the database, in order for the login to succeed.


  • When the built-in "login as patient" methods is enabled in an application, the existence of the patient in the database is the only requirement for the login to succeed. There is no need for "creating a user" for the patient - every patient is a (potential) user.

  • It is possible to implement a custom "login as patient" methods, that automatically creates the patient, whose national ID is used to login. Obviously, this will require an interface to some central national ID database. Refer to Configuring LogIn.

See Also

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