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Form Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Form type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComputations
Get the DataDictionaryComputationCollection from the TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyFocusId
Return id for the HTML element to focus
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyFocusSelect
Return whether a focused element may be selected (e.g. whether .select() should be called)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyFormButtonPropertiesCollection
Public propertyFormCommands
Public propertyId
get/set ID
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected propertyIdOfFieldToReceiveFocus
Get the id of the HTML field that should receive focus
(Inherited from DataNameBase.)
Public propertyIsInGridRecord
Check if this TmplItem is placed (directly) in GridRecord
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyIsInsideArray
Check if this TmplItem is contained in an ArrayTable (recursively)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyLoadedFromFile
Store the filename that the form was loaded from
Public propertyPostBackButtons
Get collection of PostBackButton template items.
Public propertyPublishingName
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyRules
Get the RuleCollection from the TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertySubTmplItems
Get the collection of TmplItems contained in this TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertySuperTmplItem
Get/set the parent TmplItem of this TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyUniqueId
Get the uniqueId for this TmplItem (randomly set in the ctor)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public propertyVisiblePostBackButtons
Get the visible PostBack button elements directly below Form (to be displayed in common button panel)
See Also