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CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template"]

Public classArrayTable
Implements 1:N relation inside form
Public classBooleanBase
Superclass for items that store boolean values in database
Public classCaptionBase
Superclass for classes having Caption and Tooltip
Public classCheckbox
Checkbox - 2 values: true and false
Public classCheckRulesResult
This class summarizes the outcome when checking the rules on an entire tree of TmplItem inherited classes
Public classClassificationPicker
Classification picker - allows user to pick / browse classifications
Public classComment
Comment - does not generate field in form nor database
Public classDataNameBase
Summary description for DataNameBase.
Public classDataTableBase
Summary description for DataTableBase.
Public classDropDown
Summary description for DropDown.
Public classEditorCategoryAttribute
This attribute is used for grouping similar fields in the Editor.
Public classEditorControlInfoAttribute
This attribute is used for overriding the default control used in the Editor
Public classEditorEditableCollectionAttribute
This attribute is used for marking a collection member as editable from the editor
Public classEmployeePicker
Summary description for EmployeePicker.
Public classEmployeeSelector
Information on how to select Employees (e.g. for EmployeePicker) and methods to read Employees from databse accordingly
Public classExternalRelation
A StructurRefence holds information on an external datamodel reference - e.g. a "foreign key" in the dynamic datamodel that references a table outside the dynamic data model
Public classFileUpload
FileUpload class renders HTML control to upload files to database
Public classForm
"Root" of the template item hierarchy, that consitutes a (dynamic) form
Public classFormButtonProperties
The StructureForm has a number of built in buttons use this tag to control properties of these buttons serverside
Public classFormButtonPropertiesCollection
Collection of FormButtonProperties objects
Public classFormCommand
Public classFormCommandCollection
Collection of formcommands
Public classFormContext
TOPICA-aware context for computations
Public classGrid
Summary description for Grid.
Public classGridFiller
GridFiller: used as "filler" for nonexistsing fields in Grid structure. This is becuase all GridRecords must contain same number of fields with same Caption. Does not generate field in form nor database
Public classGridRecord
Summary description for GridRecord.
Public classGroup
Summary description for Group.
Public classGrouping
Superclass for Table and Group. Common behaviour: May be vertical (default) or horizontal.
Public classIFrame
Embeds an IFrame element in the page
Public classInclude
Used to refer to external file. Makes it possible to re-use parts of forms in several forms.
Public classIncludedText
Used to hold text inclucde into form by Include referreing to .inc-file
Public classList
Summary description for List.
Public classListMultiple Obsolete.
Summary description for ListMultiple.
Public classMessage
Message to be displayed in template / dynamically generated form
Public classMessageCollection
Collection of Message objects
Public classOption
Summary description for Option.
Public classOptionBase
Superclass for items that specify mutually exclusive options - option in dropdown or list - radiobutton
Public classOptionBaseGrouping
Common ancesstor for all items, that implement selection among mutually exclusive options.
Public classOrgUnitPicker
Summary description for OrgUnitPicker.
Public classOrgUnitPickerBase
Base class for pickers for OrgUnit related objects
Public classOrgUnitPickerException
Exception that is thrown, when field value read from database does not match type of field in form
Public classOrgUnitSelector
Information on how to select OrgUnits (e.g. for OrgUnitPicker) and methods to get OrgUnits
Public classPicker
Summary description for Picker.
Public classPopupWindow
Generate a hyperlink or button to open a popup-window
Public classPostBackButton
Postback button with url
Public classPrimitive
Superclass for all TmplItem claases with follwing characteristics: - Should have DataName, because they generate database field. - May not have any sub-items (hence the name "Primitive") - May be contained in all container classes. Subclassing from this class eliminates the need for overriding Hierarchy methods.
Public classQuadState
QuadState has 4 states: NULL, 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=Undefined
Public classRadioButton
RadioButton. Must be inside RadioButtonGroup or RadioButtonTable
Public classRadioButtonGridRecord
Container for a group of RadioButton items, to be displayed in Grid
Public classRadioButtonGroup
Container for a group of RadioButton items
Public classRadioButtonGrouping
Group of radiobuttons - one field in database.
Public classRadioButtonTable
Constructs a table containing RadioButtons
Public classRectangle
Base class for template items specifying rectangle (width, height and scrolling)
Public classReference
Summary description for Reference.
Public classRichTextArea
Summary description for TextArea.
Public classRoot
Used to hold references to forms on patient level (not part of pathway)
Public classRule
Public classRuleCollection
Collection of rules
Public classScript
Used to hold script (JavaScript) that is NOT associated to any event. The script may be embedded in the HTML generated by the form, or it may generated as a startup-up script (i.e. after the whoe form has been generated).
Public classSelect
Select is superclass for DropDown and List. Commmon behavior: must contain > 1 Option, and EnumValues must be unique.
Public classSelectSQL
Base class for template items implementin select cotrols (dropdown, list) where options may be specified by SQL
Public classSharedRecord Obsolete.
Summary description for SharedRecord.
Public classStructureBase
Summary description for StructureBase.
Public classStructureElement
A StructureElement associates a form with a database table, and thus generates a node in the the hierarchcal data model. Such a node may - in clinical terms - be called period of care, encounter, standard plan, whatever
Public classSubDataTable Obsolete.
Summary description for SubDataTable.
Public classSubForm
Template item used to display a "sub form" (displaying form B "inside" form A). A subform may be 1) a dynamic form (URL automatically computed from table name) 2) defined by a custom built URL
Public classSubset Obsolete.
Summary description for Subset.
Public classTab
Summary description for Tab.
Public classTable
Summary description for Table.
Public classTableBreak
TableBreak - used to render multiple columns in tables
Public classTableView
TableView should be used for displaying table data in dynamic forms
Public classTabSet
Summary description for TabSet.
Public classTemplateButton
Button with action script
Public classTemplateContext
Extend LibraryContext with Printing, Form and Item
Public classTemplateException
Thrown in case of exception from emplate
Public classTemplateHiddenField
Store a value in a hidden field on the form
Public classTemplatePanel
Public classTextArea
Summary description for TextArea.
Public classTextBase
Superclass for text input fields, which include text, numbers, and date/time fields.
Public classTextDate
Summary description for TextDate.
Public classTextDateTime
TextDateTime generates a text input field with the following characteristics: - Sortcuts: - "d" : current date - "t" : current date and time - "+n" : n days from now - "-n" : n days before today - Culture-aware validation - both client-side and server-side. - Optional popup date/time picker.
Public classTextDateTimeBase
Summary description for TextDateTimeBase.
Public classTextFloat
Summary description for TextFloat.
Public classTextInput
Superclass for one-line text input fields, which include textline, numbers, and date/time fields - but NOT textarea (multiline)
Public classTextInteger
Integer input field.
Public classTextLine
Summary description for TextLine.
Public classTextLongInteger
Integer input field.
Public classTextMonth Obsolete.
Summary description for TextMonth.
Public classTextNumber
Public classTextWithMaxChar
Superclass for text input fields, which include text, numbers, and date/time fields.
Public classTextYear Obsolete.
Summary description for TextYear.
Public classTmplItem
Summary description for TmplItem.
Public classTmplItemCollection
Collection of TmplItem objects
Public classTmplItemUtil
Contains static helper methods for finding TmplItem related info (some reflection based)
Public classTriState
Summary description for TriState.
Public classURLReference
Base class for template items that contain a reference to an URL
Public classView
Summary description for View.
Public classXmlSetting
One Settings element (collection of these is made avaliable in FormContext)
Public interfaceIFormatter
Interface for classes that provide (culture-specific) conversion betwwen binary and string
Public enumerationActionOnCopy
Specifies which form is displayed after a copy operation
Public enumerationCheckForm
How to perform form checking during DataDictionary generation
Public enumerationCommandRowPosition
ArrayTable CommandRow position
Public enumerationDataValueStatus
The status of the data saved in the template item
Public enumerationEditorCategoryType
Public enumerationEditorControlType
What type of control should be used in the editor (typically select Default)
Public enumerationFillInStatus
Specifies how empty field is treated
Public enumerationFormBoolDefault
Specifcation of various form-level properties -not used pt!
Public enumerationFormFormSaveButtonMode
Number and function of standard Save buttons
Public enumerationFormSaveWithWarnings
Bevahior when a form containing warnings is submtted (e.g. user clikcsk "Save" button).
Public enumerationFormContextFormRenderMode
Public enumerationFormContextHtmlVersion
Public enumerationMessageSource
Origin of errors/messages
Public enumerationMessageType
Types of message in forms
Public enumerationOrgUnitSelection
Valid values for OrgUnitSelection
Public enumerationPickerMode
Picker mode
Public enumerationPopUpMode
PopUpMode mode
Public enumerationPopupWindowControl
Picker mode
Public enumerationRuleMessageType
Enum of valied rulemessagetypes
Public enumerationTabSetRenderingMode
TabSet rendering modes
Public enumerationTextDateCalendarShownOn
Defines when the TextDate calendar will be shown (if enabled)
Public enumerationWindowType
PopUpMode mode