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DataValueStatus Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The status of the data saved in the template item

Namespace: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template
Assembly: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template (in CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template.dll) Version: 4.30.6239.27196
public enum DataValueStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Valid0 Saved value is (still) valid - or is null
NotConfigured1 Saved value is valid now, but it is not a valid choice (e.g. a valid classification code, that is not among the ones, the user may choose from - according to the configuration)
Obsolete2 Saved value refers to an objects, that is known in the system, but not valid at this point in time (i.e. it was valid in the past or will be valid in the future).
Invalid3 Saved value does not refer to a known object
See Also