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OrgUnitSelection Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Valid values for OrgUnitSelection

Namespace: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template
Assembly: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template (in CSC.SC.TOPICA4.Template.dll) Version: 4.30.6239.27196
public enum OrgUnitSelection
  Member nameValueDescription
All0 All OrgUnits in database
Configured1 Only those OrgUnits that have been "configured", e.g. those that user may create encounters etc. on or that have one or more functions
DataOwner2 OrgUnit that "owns" the current data record
DataOwnerAncestor3 Ancestor of DataOwner. The ancestor is determined by the OrgUnitPicker's property TypeAncestor.
EmployeeAssociated4 Only those OrgUnits that the employee is employed by or associated with
PatientOrgUnit5 The OrgUnit (e.g. municipality) associated with the patient's address
PatientOrgUnitAncestor6 An ancestor to the OrgUnit (e.g. municipality) associated with the patient's address The ancestor is determined by the OrgUnitPicker's property TypeAncestor.
See Also