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Dropping a database

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

How to drop an existing database, that is no longer needed - using command line scripts.

Note Note

If the version of the framework is 4.25 or later, it is recommended to use the Administration Module to drop databases. This is much easier than using command line scripts.

Dropping a database

Dropping a database is very easy using SQL Server Management Studio. So why have a special script for this?

  • Having this script makes it easier to test creating and updating databases using command files (aka. batch files).

  • This scripts "knows" about the 2 logins that are normally created for each TOPICA database. Using this script to drop a TOPICA database will drop the corresponding logins.

Prerequisite: a login/password that gives "drop database" and "drop login" permission on the database server (i.e. the deployer cannot use this procedure in a "managed" production environments).

Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the command scripts. In this command prompt, enter the command BuildTopicaCore (with no parameters). The command prompt will display:

Missing parameter(s) - expected:
    Server Username Password DatabaseName
            Servername (use "." or "localhost" for current machine)
            Login used for dropping database, logins, etc.
            For trusted connection (= Windows authentication): use "*"
            Password for login used for dropping database, logins, etc.
            For trusted connection (= Windows authentication): use "*"
            Name of the database to be dropped.


DropDatabase MyServer sa sapassw MyApp1Prod

Drop the previously created database "MyApp1Prod" and the associated logins "MyApp1Prod_AdminLogin" and "MyApp1Prod_AppLogin" using SQL Server login "sa" and password "sapassw".

DropDatabase MyServer * * MyApp2Prod

Drop the previously created database "MyApp2Prod" and the associated logins "MyApp2Prod_AdminLogin" and "MyApp2Prod_AppLogin" using Windows authentication.