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Listing databases

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

How to list databases created on a server

Listing databases

Use this procedure to query the database server. The result is a list of databases created on this server.

Caution note Caution

This list will display all databases on the server, i.e. it will also show databases that are NOT built for any TOPICA application.

Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the command scripts. In this command prompt, enter the command ListDatabases (with no parameters). The command prompt will display:

ListDatabases - list databases
Missing parameter(s) - expected:
    Server Username Password
            Servername (use "." or "localhost" for current machine).
            For trusted connection (= Windows authentication): use "*".
            For trusted connection (= Windows authentication): use "*".


ListDatabases MyServer sa sapassw

List databases created on server "MyServer" using SQL Server login "sa" and password "sapassw".

ListDatabases MyServer * *

List databases created on server "MyServer" using Windows authentication.