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TemplateContext Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The TemplateContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArrayTableRow
Get ArrayTableRow
Public propertyCultureInfo (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyDatabase (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyDataDictionary
Get DataDictionary
(Inherited from DynamicDataContext.)
Public propertyDataDictionaryTable
Get DataDictionaryTable
(Inherited from DynamicDataContext.)
Public propertyDebugOutputEvaluateString (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyDictionary Obsolete. (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyForm
Get Form
Public propertyFormItem
Get FormItem
Public propertyIComputationMetaData Obsolete. (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyObjectContext (Inherited from LibraryContext.)
Public propertyPage
Get Page
Public propertyPrinting
Get Printing
Public propertyStrict (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyValues Obsolete. (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
See Also