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OptionBase Fields

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The OptionBase type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCaption
Field label etc. displayed in data entry form
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldClassNameControl
Stylesheet classname for control
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldClassNameControlCell
Stylesheet classname for table cell containing control
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldClassNameLabel
Stylesheet classname for label
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldClassNameLabelCell
Stylesheet classname for table cell containing label
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldClearOnCopy
This TmplItem will be cleared when copying
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldComment
Internal comment for use by designer
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldConvertInfo
Misc. conversion info.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldDefault
Is this option selected by default
Public fieldDeleted
TmplItem (and anything below it) is skipped when generating DataDictionary, so fields will not be generated in database.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldDescription
The name of this option
Public fieldEnumName
The name of this option
Public fieldEnumValue
The value that is saved in the database as the value of the enclosing (parent) item
Public fieldExcludeFromPrint
The TmplItem is excluded from the printed version of the form
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldHidden
Hidden fields generate fields in DataDictionary (and hence database), but are not visible in input form.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldHistoryCaption
Field label displayed in history tree (
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldHTMLName
Field name in generated HTML form (blank: use DataName)
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldNumber
Should this field be numbered
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldOnBlur
Custom script for onblur-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldOnChange
Custom script for onchange-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldOnClick
Custom script for onclick-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldOnFocus
Custom script for onfocus-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldOnKeyDown
Custom script for onkeydown-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldOnKeyPress
Custom script for onkeypress-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldOnKeyUp
Custom script for onkeyup-event
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldPostProcess
Code (e.g. .aspx) to execute on save
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldPreProcess
Code (e.g. .aspx) to execute on load
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldReadFromFile
The disk file this TmplItem was read from
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldStyleControl
Inline style for control
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldStyleControlCell
Inline style for table cell containing control
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldStyleLabel
Inline style for label
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldStyleLabelCell
Inline style for table cell containng label
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected fieldsubTmplItems
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public fieldTooltip
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldTooltipComputation
Expression to compute tooltip value
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldURLHelp
URL with help etc. for this field
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public fieldVisibleComputation
Computation (formula) controlling visibility of item - true => item is visible
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
See Also