Click or drag to resize
FormCommand Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The FormCommand type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssemblyName
The name of the assembly where the implementation of the IFormCommand interface can be found
Public propertyButtonId
The HTML id of the button generated
Public propertyCommand
A string with a specific command for the IFormCommand implementation
Public propertyCommandHandler
Public propertyConfirmCommandMessage
If this property contains a text it will be displayed in a JavaScript confirm dialog before actually executing the command. The command will only be executed if the user chooses "Ok" on the confirm dialog.
Public propertyEnabled
TOPICAbasic computation that must evaluate to boolean value
Public propertyRedirectUrl
Public propertyResultHandler
Public propertyResultHeaderText
Public propertyResultSubHeaderText
Public propertyShortcutKey
Public propertyText
The text that will be shown on the button
Public propertyTooltip
The tooltip for the button
Public propertyTypeName
The name of the type in the assembly that implements the IFormCommand interface
Public propertyVisible
TOPICAbasic computation that must evaluate to boolean value
See Also