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[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]


Creating dynamic webservices

The Topica web framework has a built-in functionality to create a webservice to perform CRUD-operations on the data belonging to a dynmic form. (CRUD meaning create, read, update and delete)

To create a dynamic webservice choose Configuration -> Data Dictionary in the menu. In the Integrations tab click Create new integration button.

In the popup choose which form to extract/update data for. Then check the fields to exhibit via the webservice and finally choose which methods the webservice is to implement:

  • Create

    Security note Security Note

    To add this method you must have configurator rights

  • Read

    Security note Security Note

    To add this method you must have configurator or configuration reader rights

  • Update

    Security note Security Note

    To add this method you must have configurator rights

  • Delete

    Security note Security Note

    To add this method you must have configurator rights

Finally press Create to make the new web service or Cancel to return to the Integration tab without saving. To close the popup click the X in the upper right corner.

To add the newly created webservice to the list you must refresh the form.

Viewing existing webservices

To see existing webservices choose Configuration -> Data Dictionary in the menu. The Integrations tab has a list of webservices in the configuration. To see service description for the webservice press the test ulr for the webservice.

Deleting dynamic webservices

To delete a dynamic webservice choose Configuration -> Data Dictionary in the menu. In the Integrations tab mark the integrations you want to delete and press Delete marked integrations button.

Caution note Caution

Be sure only to delete generated webservices as the list also might contain more complex webservices that cannot be recreated by clicking the Create new integration button.