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SubForm Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The SubForm type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Add sub-item
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodAddComputation
Add computation
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodAddHistoryData
Override this method for special handling of history representation of data. The method is used in conjuction with AddHistoryDataDefinition. This method is called after the AddHistoryDataDefinition method. Use this method for adding data to a specific row.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodAddHistoryDataDefinition
Override this method for special handling of history representation of data. The method is used in conjuction with AddHistoryData. This method is called before the AddHistoryData method. Use this method for adding new columns to the DataTable.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodAddRule
Add specified rule to rulcollection
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodAllowChild(Type)
No children allowed
(Overrides TmplItemAllowChild(Type).)
Public methodAllowChild(TmplItem)
No children allowed
(Overrides TmplItemAllowChild(TmplItem).)
Public methodAttributeString
Returns AttributeString for caption
(Overrides RectangleAttributeString.)
Public methodCheckAll(ProgressCollection, String, String)
Check TmplItem - including sub-items - for inconsistencies
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodCheckAll(ProgressCollection, String, String, Boolean)
Check TmplItem - including sub-items - for inconsistencies
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodCheckReport(ProgressCollection, String, String)
Check TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodCheckReport(Boolean, ProgressCollection, String, String)
Check TmplItem - optionally write header and footer
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodCheckRules(FormContext, CheckRulesResult)
Check rules (including fill-in-status) on this item and all subitems
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodCheckRules(FormContext, MessageCollection, CheckRulesResult)
Check rules (including fill-in-status) on this item and all subitems
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodCheckRules1
Check rules (including fill-in-status) on this element only
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodClearMessages
Remove all messages
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodClearMessages(MessageSource)
Remove all messages from a specific source
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodClone
Implements the Clone method of the ICloneable interface. Enables deep copying of this object as opposed to the shallow copying of MemberwiseCopy
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodComputeVisibility
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodCopySubTmplItems
Method to copy SubTmplItems from another TmplItem to this. Default behavior is to only copy those items allowed beneath this TmplItem Override this method if special handling is needed
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDataClear
Clear data from the TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDataDictionary
DataDictionary processing for this TmplItem and all sub-items. Maintains list of parent tables.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodDataDictionaryFieldAdd
Utility method to add field to DataDictionary
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodDataDictionaryFieldCreate(DataDictionary, DataType, Int32, ProgressCollection, String, Boolean)
Utility method to create a DataDictionary field - not inserted in DataDictionary!
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodDataDictionaryFieldCreate(DataDictionary, DataType, String, Int32, ProgressCollection, String, Boolean)
Utility method to create a DataDictionary field - not inserted in DataDictionary!
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodDataDictionaryTableCreate
Utility method to create table in DataDictionary
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodDataDictionaryTableFieldAdd
Utility method to add a field to the current table
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDataGet
Get data from submitted HTML form into TemplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDataLoad
Load data from DynamicRecord dynRec into TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDataPostSave
Called after the record is saved to facilitate various clean-up
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDataSave
Save data from TmplItem into DynamicRecord dynRec
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDebugPrint
Print to debug listener
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodDebugPrint(String)
Print to debug listener
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluate
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodEvaluateSpecific
Enables sub classes to implement specific evaluation functionality
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindByDataName
Returns tmpItem that matches specified dataname
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodFindByHTMLName
Returns tmpItem that matches specified htmlname
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodFindById
Search the tree from this node to find a TmplItem with the given id (optionally search recusively)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodFindByUniqueId
Search the tree from this node to find a TmplItem with the given UniqueId (optionally search recusively)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodFormInit (Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetArrayTableContainer
Returns the ArrayTable that this TmplItem is contained in (null is the TmplItem isn't contained in an array)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetCaption
Gets Caption
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public methodGetDataName
Returns DataName (= name used for database tables / fields). Override in subclasses with DataName property.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetDefaultChild
Returns the default type (subclass of TmplItem) of child this object prefers
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetGlobalStringResource(String)
Gets the global string resource. Default to using 'TOPICA' as ClassKey.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetGlobalStringResource(String, String)
Gets the global string resource.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHistoryCaption
Gets Caption
(Inherited from CaptionBase.)
Public methodGetLocalStringResource(String, String)
Gets the local string resource.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetLocalStringResource(String, String, CultureInfo)
Gets the local string resource.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetMessages
Get all messages (recursively for entire TmplItem tree)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetPostProcess
Get collection of currently selected post-processing commands
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetPreProcess
Collect pre-processing commands recursively (for alle visible elements)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetSubItemsByType
Get all subitems with a specified type
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHTMLFormName
Returns the HTML name of the form tag
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodHTMLWrite
Write HTML: whole TmplItem (caption and control inside span tag)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodIncludeCount
Get # of Include-items (used to decide whether include-resolving is necessary)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodInsertAfter
Insert ti after this TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodInsertBefore
Insert ti before this TmplItem
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodJavaScriptFocus
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMergeInclude
Merge merge in place of first include item
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodNumberString
Set number strings
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodOnPreRender
Do some postprocesseing immediately after the form HTML has been generated. Note that the page is not fully generated at this point. If you need to do some processing after the page has been fulle rendered, use OnPreRenderComplete
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodOnPreRenderComplete
Do some postprocesseing immediately after the whole page has been generated.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodRenumber
Renumber id 1, 2, 3, ... in whole hierarchy (depth first)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodRenumber(Int32)
Renumber id in hierarchy (depth first)
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodSetComputation(String, String)
Set commputation with name and expression expr
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodSetComputation(DataDictionaryComputationName, String)
Set commputation with name and expression expr
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodSetCustomPropertiesOnDataDictionaryTable
Override this method to set properties on the DataDictionarytable that isn't defined on TmplItem but instead on a TmplItem inherited class. This default implementation does nothing
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodSetDefault
Set default value
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Protected methodSetFromPreProcessed
Override this method to set data of the template item from the pre processed data
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodTop
Get the top item.
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodToString
For debugging
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodWriteStructure
Write hierarchical structure of this TmplItem and sub-items
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLLoad
Load attributes and subelements from node, optionally resolving includes
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLWrite(XmlTextWriter)
Write TmplItem - (including sub-items) to XML file
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLWrite(String, Encoding)
Write TmplItem - including sub-items - to XML file
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLWrite(XmlTextWriter, Boolean)
Write TmplItem - (including sub-items) to XML file
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLWrite(Stream, Encoding, Boolean)
Write TmplItem - including sub-items - to
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLWrite(String, Encoding, Boolean)
Write TmplItem - including sub-items - to XML file
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
Public methodXMLWrite(Stream, Encoding, Boolean, Boolean)
Write TmplItem - including sub-items - to
(Inherited from TmplItem.)
See Also