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JavaScript and AJAX

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Extending functionalíty using JavaScript and AJAX


The dynamic forms that are designed using forms editor, already have some client-side funtionality built in - i.e.:

  • show/hide user controls depending on the state of checkboxes, radiobuttons and dropdowns

  • tab sets

If you need funtionality beyond this, you may add JavaScript to the form templates.

  • JavaScript may be attached to client side events (i.e. onchange, onclick).

  • JavaScript code added to the configuration may use JavaScript libraries that are already being used by the framework:

    • TOPICA's own JavaScripts library

    • ASP.NET's AJAX library

    • Telerik RadTools for ASP.NET - client side API

    • jQuery including sevaral jQueri-UI modules

    It is also possible to use any additional JavaScript libraries.


JavaScript may use AJAX to invoke server-side functionality.

  • TOPICA's built-in generic SOAP webservices.

    A special case of this: TOPICA exposes a webservice to evaluate TOPICA Basic expressions. This makes it possible to read any data from the database - in most cases using the object-oriented notation of TOPICA Basic.

  • TOPICA's built-in REST webservices (under development)

  • Custom webservices defined in the current configuration

  • External webservices (any webservices defined outside TOPICA)