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Custom webforms

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

A WebForm is an .ASPX-file that displays some user interface.

TOPICA (and all other web applications built using the .NET framework) consist of a number ogf interacting of webforms. In addition to these built-in webforms, it is possible to

Uses of webforms


Post-processing is implemented by .ASPX-files.

Custom reports

Custom reports are implemented using webforms.

Use Custom reports to implement specialized reports etc., that cannot be built easily using the "normal" reporting tools (TOPICA built-in report format and Reporting Services reports)

All reports (including reports implemented using custom webrforms) may be "embedded" into configured input forms using iframes or pop-up windows - see Working with forms. In this way, webforms can be used to add any custom built user interface into configured forms.

Extending the standard start page

It is possible to include any HTML code into the standard start page. This HTML may contain an iframe, referring to any URL. This URL may refer to a custom designed webform. In this way, it is possible to include any custom designed user interface into the start page.

Note Note

TODO: add example.

Integration into a context manager application

When using TOPICA to implement modules running inside a context manager application, it will generally be necessary to implement some code to handle integration between the context manager application and the module implemented using TOPICA.

Refer to Integration with Context Manager