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FormContext Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The FormContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArrayTableRow
Get/set ArrayTableRow
Public propertyCommonParameters
Get CommonParameters
Public propertyCopying
Are we performing a copy of an existing form/record
Public propertyCultureInfo (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyCurrentUser Obsolete.
Get current user
Public propertyDatabase (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyDataDictionary
Get DataDictionary
Public propertyDataDictionaryTable
Get/set DataDictionaryTable
Public propertyDataOwners
Get set possible data owners
Public propertyDateTimeConverter
Get a DateTimeConverter
Public propertyDebugMode
Get DebugMode
Public propertyDebugOutputEvaluateString (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyDictionary Obsolete. (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyEmployee
Returns employee
Public propertyEmployeeUser
Get Employee user
Public propertyExperimenting
Get Experimenting status (used to test new/alternative code)
Public propertyFocusedElementId
If null or emtpy, set foucs on first field with error/warning If not null or empty, set focus on the coresponding field (irrespective of errors/warnings)
Public propertyForm
Get/set Form
Public propertyFormItem
Get/set FormItem
Public propertyIComputationMetaData Obsolete. (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyIFormatter
Get IFormatter
Public propertyIndicator
Get SelfEvaluationRound
Public propertyOrgUnit
The data owner of the form
Public propertyOrgUnitTypeCollection
Get OrgUnitTypeCollection
Public propertyPage
Get Page
Public propertyParentRecord
Get parent record
Public propertyPatient
Get current patient
Public propertyPatientUser
Get Patient user
Public propertyPhysicalTempFolderUploaded
Returns PhysicalTempFolderUploaded
Public propertyPreProcessValues
Return XmlDocument with pre processed values (returned from pre processing aspx)
Public propertyPrinting
Get whether the form is to be drawn for printing
Public propertyRecord
Get current record
Public propertySelfEvaluationRound
Get SelfEvaluationRound
Public propertySkin
Get Skin
Public propertyStandard
Get Standard
Public propertyStandardVersion
Get StandardVersion
Public propertyStrict (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
Public propertyValues Obsolete. (Inherited from ComputationContext.)
See Also