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EmployeeSelector Fields

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The EmployeeSelector type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAncestors
Add ancestors
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
Public fieldAncestorType
Type of ancestor organizational unit
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
Public fieldDescendants
Add descendants
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
Public fieldFilterClassifications
Classification code to filter by (check prefix only)
Public fieldFilterFunction
Filter by function name
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
Public fieldFilterType
Type to filter by
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
Public fieldGroupByEmployer
Whether the employees should be grouped by employer
Public fieldIncludeRoot
Include "root" in hierarchy or not
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
Public fieldOrderBy
How the employees should be ordered
Public fieldOrgUnitSelection
The various selection modes specifying the OrgUnits the user may select from
(Inherited from OrgUnitSelector.)
See Also