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* Demo Configurations

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Creating a new configuration (application) from scratch may be a daunting task. It may be helpful to look at some existing configurations for several reasons:

  • "Dissect" the demo configurations to see how various task may be implemented.

  • Use the demo configurations as "starting points" for new configurations. Or copy/paste selected implementation details (entire forms, selected fields, entire modules, etc.) from the demo configurations to new configurations.

  • The demo configurations are useful for testing functionality in the framework - both manual tests and automated tests (e.g. "unit tests").

Therefore, the TOPICA framework comes with a number of demo configurations. Most of the demo configurations are deliberately kept small and very simple, because they are designed to demonstrate a few selected features (they are "synthetic" and do not resemble "real world" applications). But a few of the demo configurations may be used as starting points for "real world" applications.

Note Note

The demo configurations are delivered with TOPICA version 4.25 and newer. For earlier versions, selected demo configurations may be obtained separately.

See Also

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