.config files |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Like most other .NET applications, TOPICA uses .config files (XML-files with the .config extension) for configurable application settings.
In standard ASP.NET applications, there is one Web.config file in the "root" folder (= the folder the web home points to), and optionally additional Web.config-files in subfolders (these additional Web.config files have effect for .NET-code residing in the respective subfolders).
TOPICA has some special characteristics, that requires a more elaborated scheme of .config files.
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Do not confuse the term ".config file" to the much broader term "configuration files":
This topic contains the following sections.
TOPICA has one Web.config file in the framework folder (= the folder the web home points to) like most other ASP.NET applications.
This file is part of the framework, i.e. it will exist in the framework folder after setting up a web home for the TOPICA framework.
Only framework developers should edit this file. All other roles (configurators, application developer) are not allowed to edit this file - - but they WILL need to read this file, as this is the file that defines all the "appSettings", that the TOPICA framework understands!
The framework understands more than 1000 "appSettings". The default value for each setting is defined by Web.config.
The TOPICA framework supports several configurations(=applications) in one instance (web home). It is necessary to configure each individual configuration separately.
A given application will typically run in several different environments (development, test, production, ...). Most settings should be the same for each environment, but some key settings (like database connection strings, URL's used for interfaces, etc.) must be configurable per environment.
Therefore, TOPICA read additional .config files from the configuration folder:
Application.config holds settings (key/value pairs) for the actual application (= configuration) - regardless of the current environment (the SAME Application.config file should be used in all environments).
Typically, you would keep the Application.config file under source control together with all other configuration items (forms, reports, ...). This makes it easier to remember to deploy the Application.config each time you update a configuration.
Application.config MUST exist in each configuration folder.
Application.config, may override any key set in framework's Web.config.
Application.config may define new, configuration specific keys. Remember to describe the function of the new keys in XML comments!
The purpose of defining new, configuration specific keys, is to make configuration specific features configurable. This is done by TOPICA Basic expressions, for example in the following places:
Show/hide fields in forms.
Defining computations in the structure file to control security and/or workflow.
Refer to .config-file reference for examples.
Optional activated "library" .config-files
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Versions 4.27 and newer only. Refer to ConfigLibrary. |
Server.config holds settings (key/value pairs) for the actual environment / server. For example, the connection string for the database - this is typically not the same in development and production environments.
The Server.config file should NOT be kept under source control. This makes it easier to remember NOT to overwrite Server.config on deployment - e.g. when copying configuration items from development to production.
Server.config MUST exist in each configuration folder.
Server.config, may override any key set in the framework's Web.config, the configuration's Application.config, (AND (in versions 4.27 and newer) any "activated" files in the ConfigLibrary).
Server.config should NOT define new, configuration-specific keys.
Optional Web.config:
An optional configuration/application specificWeb.config file holds "structured" information, that cannot be stored in Application.config.
This file is only used in a few special cases ("custom " .NET code - e.g. custom webforms and custom webservices). Most applications do not need one.
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Do NOT confuse this configuration specific Web.config file with the framework's Web.config in the website folder! |
Application.config and Server.config must adhere to the same syntax as the central Web.config, except that the only supported section is the appSettings section.
The framework's Web.config file contains all the settings (key/value pairs) the framework knows about. Each setting is documented by comments in the file (ideally!). Both Application.config and Server.config are used to "override" settings defined in Web.config in the website (the framework's .config file) - thus changing the framework's behavior in the current configuration/application.
It is possible to add settings to Application.config and Server.config that do not exist in the framework's Web.config. These setting will of course not influence on the behavior of the framework. Such settings are used by the configuration items. For example, rules/computations in configured forms may check such settings to display the forms differently depending on environment.
Note that this system dictates, that the framework's Web.config (the one in the website) must NOT be edited per application / environment. Only Role Framework Developer may edit the framework's Web.config file. Role Configurator may edit Application.config, Server.config and Web.config - all of them placed in the configuration folder. Role Configurator may NOT edit the framework's Web.config file!
Location (folder) | Filename | Required | Use |
Web.config | Yes | This file comes with the TOPICA framework - i.e. it will exist after setting up a web home for the framework. Lists the keys - and sets default values - for all parameters understood by the TOPICA framework. Should be used as a reference for which keys may be defined in order to configure the framework's behavior. Only a framework developer should edit this file! | |
Application.config | Yes | Set parameters on the configuration (= application) level. The Administration Module will create this file when a new configuration is created - or the configurator may create it manually. May override keys set in framework's Web.config. May define new, configuration-specific keys. Save this file in a source control system, together with the rest of the files making up the configuration. | |
Server.config | Yes | Set parameters for the current environment only. The Administration Module will create this file when new configuration connected to a database - or the configurator may create it manually. May override keys set in framework's Web.config and/or the configuration's Application.config. Should NOT define new, configuration-specific keys. Do NOT save this file in the source control system, together with the rest of the files making up the configuration - to avoid accidental overwriting when deploying. | |
Web.config | No | Seldom used. Makes it possible to configure .NET-code running in the configuration folder (and below?). Save this file in a source control system, together with the rest of the files making up the configuration. |
<framework folder> Configuration MyConfig1 Application.config Server.config Web.config MyConfig2 Application.config Server.config Web.config
In this example the framework instance contains 2 configurations. The configuration MyConfig1 contains a configuration specific Web.config file - the configuration MyConfig2 does not. Both configuration contain the required Application.config and Server.config files.
The framework does not contain any tools to edit .config files. I.e. you need access to the web server's file system to edit the contents of the .config files.
You may use any tool capable of editing XML-files to edit .config files. This includes "plain text editors" like Notepad, and XML-aware editors like Visual Studio.
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It is recommended to use Visual Studio for editing .config-files. Not only does it "understand" XML, but it also has a built-in schema (XSD) for .config files, so that it "knows" what elements and attributes are allowed (this is how "intellisense" works). |
Consult .config File Reference for more detailed reference.
Because all parameters may be overwritten, it may be hard to get an overview of the effective value of each key. A typical example is, that a configurator has defined a key to having some value in Application.config - but it does not have the desired effect. This might be because the key is also defined in Server.config, thereby overriding the value set in Application.config.
To help with this, the framework contains a page, that lists the effective value of each configured key. This Webform may be found here: Main menu: Tools / Framework Tools - select Information / ConfigAppSettings.aspx.
In TOPICA versions 4.27 and newer, an additional mechanism ConfigLibrary exists.
The purpose of this is to make it possible for configurator / deployers to create a "library" of .config-files, that may be turned on/off (activated / deactivated) using the web interface.