* Framework Folder Structure |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
The TOPICA framework is installed in a folder called the framework folder. This folder is referred to by the website / virtual directory (application) (= web home) set up in Internet Information Services (IIS).
After initial installation, the framework folder contains these folders (approximate list - dependent on version):
<framework folder> Api App_Browsers App_Data App_GlobalResources App_LocalResources App_Start bin Classes CommonIncludes Configuration Controllers Controls Deploy Documentation FormTemplates Help Images JavaScript Log4NetTemplates Modules Pages Tools PerformanceLog PlugIns Properties Reports Skins StateMachines StyleSheets System WebServices
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Each subfolder inside Configuration is called a configuration folder. A configuration needs to be connected to a database - then you have a running application.
Example: An instance of the framework containing 2 configurations MyConfig1 and MyConfig2 will have this folder structure (subset):
<framework folder> Configuration MyConfig1 MyConfig2
Note that a configurator should only work inside the Configuration folder. ANY change to the rest of the folder structure may interfere with the proper operation of the framework - this is for framework developers only!
The configurator must consult Configuration Folder Structure to learn how to build a configuration folder.