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Log Data Model

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Logging in Topica.


In TOPICA events taking place in the user interface are logged as a part of the built-in security system:

  • Session start and end

  • Login and logout

  • Login accepted

  • Login rejected

  • Login inactive

  • Password changed

  • User created

  • User edited

  • User deleted

  • Undo user delete

  • User searched

  • Patient created

  • Patient edited

  • Patient deleted

  • Patient searched

  • Patient data read

  • Patient data read from external source

  • Undo patient delete

  • Patient showed

  • Patient data created

  • Patient data read

  • Patient data edited

  • Patient data deleted

  • Report builded

  • Report run

  • Organizational unit created

  • Organizational unit edited

  • Organizational unit deleted

  • Organizational units imported

  • Data imported

  • Classification data imported

  • Zip codes imported

  • Log queried

  • Log deleted

  • Data dictionary updated

  • SQL query executed

  • User error occurred

  • Internal system error occurred

  • Standard created

  • Standard edited

  • Standard deleted

  • Sandard version created

  • Standard version Edited

  • Standard version deleted

  • Indicator created

  • Indicator edited

  • Indicator deleted

  • Primary distribution made

  • Secondary distribution made

  • Tertiary distribution made

  • Selfevaluation round created

  • Selfevaluation round edited

  • Selfevaluation round deleted

  • Selfevaluation indicator created

  • Selfevaluation indicator edited

  • Selfevaluation indicator deleted

  • Journal audit created

  • Journal audit edited

  • Journal audit deleted

  • Journal audit participant created

  • Journal audit participant edited

  • Journal audit participant deleted

  • Journal audit examination created

  • Journal audit examination edited

  • Journal audit examination deleted

  • Survey created

  • Survey edited

  • Survey deleted

  • Survey ended

  • Survey recommendation created

  • Survey recommendation edited

  • Survey recommendation deleted

  • Tracer created

  • Tracer edited

  • Tracer deleted

  • Finding created

  • Finding edited

  • Finding deleted

  • Valuation created

  • Valuation edited

  • Valuation deleted

Every log entry is timestamped with time for the event. Likewise is IPAddress for client PC and sessionGuid for the user taking part in the event logged. Depending on the type of event information like patient, user, tablename and so on are written to the log entry record. The fields are described in more detail in sæt et link her. Use the log to monitor what is going on in the application and who did what.