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E-R Diagram Log

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

LogEntry (base data)

Log database model (details)
Log database model (details)
Tables in this part of the data model

Table name


Database Table LogEntry

The LogEntry table holds log entries for events logged in TOPICA application

Database Table LogActionType

The LogActionType table is a lookup table for finding names for action type codes

Tables relating to LogEntry
Log database model (relations)
Log database model (relations)

Table name


Database Table StandardVersionDistributionDatabase Table Employee

The Employee table holds general data about the employee inclduing name, address, username etc.

Database Table OrgUnit

The OrgUnit table holds general data about organizational unit including type, code, name, contact information etc.

Database Table Patient

The Patient table holds general data about the patient inclduing name, address, age etc.

Database Table StdGroup

The StdGroup table holds the standard hierarchy

Database Table Standard

The Standard table is a lookup table for finding the names for accreditation standards

Database Table StandarVersion

The StandardVersion table holds general data about accreditation standard versions.

Database Table Indicator

The Indicator table holds general data about accreditation indicators.

Database Table Survey

The Survey table holds general data about accreditation surveys.

Database Table SurveyIterationBody

The SurveyInterationBody table holds data about accreditation surveys iterations.

Database Table RecordAudit

The RecordAudit table holds data about accreditation record audits.

Database Table RecordAuditRecord

The RecordAuditRecord table holds data about?

Database Table RecordAuditParticipant

The RecordAuditParticipant table holds links between recordaudits and the employees who takes part in the audit

Database Table Tracer

The Tracer table holds data about tracers and their link to a survey

Database Table Finding

The Finding table holds general data about findings name, links to organizal units, standards, indicators etc.

Database Table SelfEvaluationRound

The SelfEvaluationRound table holds data about selfevaluation rounds

Database Table Datadictonary

The Datadictionary table holds the root data for dynamic forms.

Database Table ResultLookUp

The ResultLookUp table is a lookup table for finding the names for the combinaiton of result code and result type