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Transaction Log

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The transaction log saves information on most basic transactions (events). This naturally includes events initiated end users logged in to the web application - but it will also include events occurring as a result of external systems calling web services in a TOPICA application.

Each log entry contains a timestamp, information on the type of transaction, logged in user, key values identifying affected objects, IP-address of requester, and various other elements.

This topic contains the following sections.

Transaction types

The following transactions (events) are logged in the transaction log:

  • Login and logout - including rejected login attempts

  • Organization administration: Set up organization hierarchy, create / update / delete / undelete organizational units, import / export.

  • User administration: create / update / delete employees and employee users. Remember that an employee user is an employee having a user name.

    Note Note

    An application may be configured to allow patients to login. In this case the user may be a logged in patient. There is no need for managing patient users - when a patient is created, that patient may log in.

  • Patient administration: create / read / update / delete / undelete / merge patients.

  • Records (form instances): create / read / update / delete / move / copy records.

  • Misc. operations: running reports, querying the log, etc.

Note Note

Logging events on Patient and Record objects is more comprehensive than the other types. Because of the personal and sensitive nature of patient data, reads are logged for Patient and Record objects. Reads are not logged for any other types of objects.

Note Note

TOPICA defines a fixed list of action types (an enumeration). That is, applications that implement applications-specific object types and/or actions (e.g. in custom webservices or custom webforms ) cannot extend this list. When such actions should be logged, choose an enumeration value from the defined enumeration that is most resembles the action to be logged, and use the Parameters and/or Description free text fields to specify the custom action.

Note Note

There are two kinds of deletions: logical and physical.

  • Objects that are logically deleted remain in the database. Therfore it is possible to navigate to the logically deleted objects. Such objects may be "undeleted" and/or physically deleted (if the user has sufficient permission).

    Patients and organizational units may be logically deleted.

  • Objects that are physically deleted are deleted from the database. Therfore it is NOT possible to navigate to the physically deleted objects.

    Employees and records (form instances) may only be physically deleted.

From the log it is not possible to see directly, whether a deletion was logical or physical - but links to physically deleted objects will most likely cause an error.

Logged information

Each entry in the transaction log (= row in table LogEntry) has the following information:




The date and time, the transaction / event was logged


The type of transaction / event

TOPICA defines a fixed list of action types (an enumeration).

User name / full name

Links to the employee user, that initiated the transaction / event.

Patient (logged in)

Link to the logged in patient, that initiated the transaction / event.

This column is only visible in the user interface, if the application has been configured to allow log in as patient.

Physical deletion of patients will make this link invalid.

Each log entry should be linked to EITHER a logged in employee OR a logged in patient. Both should never be set on the same log entry!


Link to the employee being updated by the transaction / event.


Link to the patient being read / updated by the transaction / event.

Note Note

Log entries regarding records (form instances) should ALWAYS have a reference to a patient, because each record belongs to a patient.

Organizational unit

Link to the org.unit begin updated by the transaction / event.

Note Note

Log entries regarding patients and records (form instances) do NOT refer to organizational units.

Document reference

Link to document reference begin created / updated by the transaction / event.

Note Note

This refers to document references (or entire documents: BLOBs) stored in the database. Do not confuse this with documents, that are stored in the web server's file system!


Result code for a few select transaction types.

Table / Record

Link to the record (form instance) being read / updated by the transaction / event.

Note Note

Log entries regarding records (form instances) should ALWAYS have a reference to a patient, because each record belongs to a patient.


Free text field containing parameters for selected transaction types.


Free text field that may be used for any information relevant for the transaction type.

IP address

The IP address of the web request initiating the transaction.

Sesison GUID

The unique identifier of the session in which the transaction was initiated. Will be empty in situations where a session is not yet created - e.g. when displaying the log in form, and denied login attempts.

User interface

The TOPICA Framework contains a page that enables end-users to search the transaction log.

It is possible to start the transaction log search page in different contexts. Setting a specific object in context filters the output rows, so that only log entries regarding the object in context are displayed. The context also has an effect on the columns displayed - columns that are irrelevant in a given context are not displayed. Date/time, type of transcation, and user information is displayed in all contextss.

  • No context = on system/database level (initiated from menu item "System / Log"): Only users having the "log read" permission are allowed to query the system level log. No object / row filtering takes place.

  • With an organizational unit in context (initiated from sub-menu tab), only the transactions relating to the organizational unit in context are displayed.

  • With an employee in context (initiated from sub-menu tab), there are two possibilities:

    • "Reg" will display only those transactions, where the user in context is the registrator (e.g. what objects this user has created/updated).

    • "Adm" will display only those transactions, where the employee in context has been created/updated.

  • With a patient in context (initiated from sub-menu tab), only the transactions relating to this particular patient are displayed.

  • With a record in context (initiated on the "history" page), only the transactions relating to this particular record are displayed.

Except for when displaying log for a record, the following applies:

  • It is possible to filter by date/time interval and/or by transaction type.

    Note Note

    Entering a time of day value is possible only in versions 4.28 and newer. In version 4.27 and older, only dates may be entered.

    In version 4.30 and newer, the "From date/time" search criteria has the current date as default value.

  • It is possible to filter by transaction type (select from dropdown).

  • Per default, newest log entries are displayed at the top.

    It is possible to change the sort order by clicking hyperlinks in the column headers. Click again to toggle between ascending and descending.

  • When the search result contains many log entries, paging is applied. Default page size is 20 rows - may be adjusted.

    Caution note Caution

    Clearing page size field turns off paging - use with caution! Number of rows returned depends on the filter and user entered search criteria. When thousands of rows are returned, do not turn off paging. Rendering the page with thousands of rows will take a long time!

Information on specific objects displayed in the search result is displayed as hyperlinks. E.g. when displaying a log entry where a record has been read/created/updated, it is possible to click on the record id and navigate to the record in question (this naturally sets both the patient, to which this record belongs, and the record in context).

Note Note
  • Objects that are logically deleted remain in the database. Therefore it is possible to navigate from the search log user interface to logically deleted objects.

  • Objects that are physically deleted are deleted from the database. Therfore it is NOT possible to navigate to physically deleted objects (from the search log user interface or otherwise). Clicking a link that refers to a deleted object will probably cause an error.