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E-R Diagram Employee

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

User and Employee (base data)

User and Employee Database Model
User and Employee Database Model
Tables in this part of the data model

Table name


Database Table Employee

The Employee table holds general data about the employee inclduing name, address, username etc.

Database Table OrgUnit

The OrgUnit table holds general data about organizational unit including type, code, name, contact information etc.

Database Table EmployeeAssOrgUnit

The EmployyAssOrgUnit table holds links between employees and the organizational units they are associated to

Database Table EmployeeProfile

The EmployeeProfile table holds links between employees and the security profiles they are granted

Database Table Profile

The Profile table holds profiles used by security system to grant rights to users

Database Table ProfilePermission

The ProfilePermission table holds links between profiles and the permissions they contain.

Database Table Permission

The Permission table contains all permissions in the buildin security system