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DataDictionaryComputationName Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Defines names for all computations

Namespace: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData
Assembly: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData (in CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData.dll) Version: 4.30.6239.27195
public enum DataDictionaryComputationName
  Member nameValueDescription
Create0 Create permission. Computation must return bool.
Read1 Read permission. Computation must return bool.
Update2 Update permission. Computation must return bool.
Delete3 Delete permission Computation must return bool.
CascadeDelete4 Delete permission Computation must return bool.
RecordMovable5 Move permission. Computation must return bool.
RecordCopyable6 Copy permission. Computation must return bool.
RecordMergable7 Merge permission. Computation must return bool.
Visible8 Controls visibility in GUI, notable hierarchy (patient data tree) - but should preferably work everywhere. Computation must return bool.
CloseLabel9 Label for close checkbox. Used in display of dynamic form. Computation must return string.
Close10 Automatic closing. Evaluated when form is saved. Also evaluated for all ancestor records. Computation must return bool.
DateStart11 Computation of date start. Evaluated when form is saved. Also evaluated for all ancestor records. Computation must return DateTime.
DateStop12 Computation for date stop. Not implemented yet. Computation must return DateTime.
Plan13 Computation for plan status. Not implemented yet. Computation must return bool.
Approve14 Computation of approve status. Not implemented yet. Computation must return bool.
Name15 Name of computation for name in user interface. Used in display of record tree. Computation must return string.
CopyMoveDestinationName16 Name of computation for copy/move destination name in user interface. Used in Copy / Move interface. Computation must return string.
DisplayDate17 Computation of display date. Used in display of record tree. Computation must return DateTime.
Expand18 Computation of initial expand status. Used in display of record tree. Computation must return bool.
ShortcutKey19 Shortcut key for create link (Ctrl+Shift is used as default modifier) (only valid for forms directly related to root (patient) Computation must return string (with 1 character).
ImageFile20 Name of image file (for icon in record tree) Computation must return string.
ClassName21 Class Name Computation must return string.
Style22 Style information Computation must return string.
DateColorName23 Color name of the date field in "open" nodes Computation must return string.
Tag24 Tag - used to store any information in record tree nodes Computation must return string.
Tooltip25 Tooltip for fields (in record tree: for "open" nodes). Computation must return string.
TooltipGroup26 Tooltip for "group" nodes in record tree. Computation must return string.
TooltipCreate27 Tooltip for "create" nodes in record tree. Computation must return string.
BreadCrumbsVisible28 Visiblie in BreadCrumbs control
ListQuery29 List Query
DataOwnerByDefault30 When new organisation unit is created this computation is run to decide if that organisation unit should be set as dataowner. Computation must return bool.
Default31 Computation of default value. Not implemented yet (pt. TmplItem field Computation is used for this purpose). Computation must return bool.
FillInStatus32 FillInStatus - controls validation on empty fields Computation must return int : 0, 1 or 2.
RunPreProcess33 Controls whether or not PreProcess will be performed for this form. Computation must return bool.
DefaultForm34 Defines a form as the "default" meaning it will be the one shown when creating a new patient (from database version 4.12 this supersedes the DefaultForm property on the DataDictionaryTable class) Computation must return bool.
Dummy35 Do not use!
See Also