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SingleOpenMode Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Modes for "Single Open" check

Namespace: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData
Assembly: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData (in CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData.dll) Version: 4.30.6239.27195
public enum SingleOpenMode
  Member nameValueDescription
NoCheck0 No check - it is always possible to create more than 1 open record
CheckAll1 Check for open records of same type within parent record - ignore data owner (OrgUnit). If there exists an open record of the same type under the given parent record, user cannot create new record.
CheckDataOwner2 Check for open records of same type within parent record with same data owner (OrgUnit). If there exists an open record of the same type under the given parent record with a given data owner, user cannot create new record on that data owner. But it is perfectly legal to create record with different data owner.
See Also