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AccessModeWrite Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Specifies the security model for write operations (create / update / delete) per table in Data Dictionary

Namespace: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData
Assembly: CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData (in CSC.SC.TOPICA4.DynamicData.dll) Version: 4.30.6239.27195
public enum AccessModeWrite
  Member nameValueDescription
Inherit0 Inherit behavior from parent table
All1 User may write (create / update / delete) records on all org.units that are associated with the current table, i.e. potential data owners. User's organizational relation does NOT matter in this case.
UsersAssociatedWithDataOwner2 User may write (create / update / delete) records on an organizational unit, if user is DIRECTLY related to the organizational unit in question (employing or associated)
UsersAssociatedWithDataOwnerOrAncestor3 User may write (create / update / delete) records on an organizational unit, if user is related (employing or associated) to the organizational unit in question, or any ANCESTOR og the organizational unit.
See Also