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Import of Organization hierarchy using SHAK

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The TOPICA Web Framework has a built-in functionality to import the full oraganization hierarchy from National Board of Health, Denmark known as SHAK.

Caution note Caution

Import using SHAK is available in versions up to 4.16.

Importing the organization hierarchy from SHAK file

In menu line choose "Maintenance" - > "Import" to import a organization hierarchy using SHAK. In the import form choose the Import Data tab choose the import type "Hospital department import.

Before pressing the import button you can choose:

  • Path to the SHAK file containing the orgunits to import. Use the Browse button to locate the file.

  • Path to the file containing the rules for orgsnization strucure. Use the Browse button to locate the file.

  • Whether or not to delete existing records before importing the content of the SHAK file. DO NOT choose to delete unless you are completely sure you have not made any changes or added new organization.

  • Whether or not to relocate exsisting data without importing new data. This option can be used if you allready have all the organization units you need but the do not have the right parents. Before using this options make sure that the structure in the rules file is correct. By checking this option only relocation is made no other updates or inserts.

  • Level of information from the import:

    • Nothing - Errors

    • Headlines - Headlines and errors

    • Details - Headlines and errors

    • Debug - Headlines and errors

Finally press the "Import" button in the right hand panel to start importing the organization hierarchy. While importing progress status is written to the import form.

Caution note Caution

Importing organizations using SHAK is a very time consuming process. It might be nessecary to split the SHAK file into two parts to avoid that the import is timed out.

Caution note Caution

After a successful import to make the organization units available for searching you must update the orgunitlineage table. To do that choose "Organization" -> Support routines from the main menu. Click one of buttons. Wait for the routine to finish. Now the internal stucture is rebuilt and it is possible to search again.