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Import of Organization hierarchy using XML file

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The TOPICA Web Framework has a built-in functionality to import the full organization hierarchy from a XML-file.

Caution note Caution

Import is available only i versions 4.17 and later.

Importing the organization hierarchy from a XML file

In menu line choose "Organization" - > "Hierarchy" to import an organization hierarchy. In the hierarchy form press the import button in the left hand panel. Pressing the button makes the import form appear in the right hand panel

Before pressing the import button in the right hand panel you can choose:

  • Path to the file containing the orgunits to import. Use the Browse button to locate the file.

  • Whether or not to make the import to an intermediate table. If you are planning to import into an existing database consider using the intermediate table. It makes it possible to compare the existing structure to the new structure before doing the actual update. When importing into a new database there is no need for the intermediate table.

  • Whether or not to delete existing records before importing the new hierarchy. Which records are deleted depends on whether you hac chosen to import to intermeated table or not:

    • When importing to intermediate table the content of the intermediate is deleted. To be quite sure that only the organizations from the chosen file are imported choose to delted before import

    • When not using intermediate table the content of the organization unit table is deleted. When yuo have chosen to import directly into the organization unit table.

      Caution note Caution

      Only choose to delete if you do not want to keep any of the existing orgunits

  • Level of information from the import:

    • Nothing - Errors

    • Headlines - Only Headlines and errors

    • Details - Code, type and name of all org.units being imported, headlines and errors

    • Debug - The same as details but might contain extra information

Finally press the "Upload and import" button in the right hand panel to start importing the organization hierarchy. While importing progress status is written to the import form.

If you chose to import to intermediate table you can compare the content of the intermediate table to the orgunit table and choose which inserts/update and deletes to accept. How to do that see Synchronizing organizational units