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[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The LoginService web service contains web methods used for authenticating users and dealing out LogOnInfo certificates that are required when using web services that require an authenticated user.

Login Service
Login Service
LogInPlainPassword method

Authenticate a user and receive a LogOnInfo certificate

public LogOnInfo LogInHashedPassword(string config, string domain, string userName, string passwordHash, bool contextManager);
LogInHashedPassword method

Authenticate a user and receive a LogOnInfo certificate

public LogOnInfo LogInHashedPassword(string config, string domain, string userName, string passwordHash, bool contextManager);
LogInNoPassword method

Authenticate a user and receive a LogOnInfo certificate

public LogOnInfo LogInNoPassword(string config, string domain, string userName, string validationString);
LogOut method

Log out a user invalidating the LogOnInfo certificate

public void LogOut(string config, Guid sessionGuid);
Using LoginService web service

Example of logging in with a plain text password

// LogInPlainPassword method example

string config = "Test";                        // name of configuration
string domain = "";                            // domain for the user we login with
string username = "test";                        // username for the user we login with
string password = "secret";                    // password for the user we login with

//first we login
LoginService loginService = new LoginService();
LogOnInfo logOnInfo = loginService.LogInPlainPassword(config, domain, username, password, false);