ClassificationService |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
The ClassificationService web service contains web methods that can be used for retrieving Classifications ie. SKS codes, for a specific TOPICA configuration.
Receive a Classification object for a specific classificationCode from the specified configuration.
public Classification GetClassification(string config, Guid sessionGuid, string classificationCode)
Given an array of record keys the GetXmlSchema method returns an XML schema that defines the layout of the XML data that will be returned from the GetXmlDocument method given the same array of record keys.
This example demonstrates retrieving an xml schema describing the data structure of the xml that will retunred by GetXmlDocument for the given record keys.
// GetClassification method example var guid = GetParameterFromQueryString("sessionGuid"); var config = GetParameterFromQueryString('config'); GetClassification(config, guid, ClassificationEvaluateResult, ClassificationEvaluateError, "DZ50"); function ClassificationEvaluateResult( result ) { // Handle result } function ClassificationEvaluateError( result ) { // Handle error }