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[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Overview of OrgUnitService web service

OrgUnitService diagram
Org Unit Service
GetOrgUnitsSearchByName method

Get a collection of org units whose name starts with 'searchName'

public OrgUnitCollection GetOrgUnitsSearchByName(string config, Guid sessionGuid, string searchName)
GetOrgUnitsSearchByCode method

Get a collection of org units whose code starts with 'searchCode''

public OrgUnitCollection GetOrgUnitsSearchByCode(string config, Guid sessionGuid, string searchCode)
GetOrgUnitsSearchByType method

Get a collection of org units whose type starts with 'searchType'

public OrgUnitCollection GetOrgUnitsSearchByType(string config, Guid sessionGuid, string searchType)
Using OrgUnitService web service

In the following example we login and search for orgunits with type = sgh

Example of searching for orgunits with specified name

// GetOrgUnitsSearchByType method example

string config = "GOP";                        // or "Projektdata" - name of configuration
string domain = "1351";                        // domain for the user we login with
string username = "Admin1351";                // username for the user we login with
string password = "secret";                    // password for the user we login with
string searchType = "sgh";                    // Orgunit type to search for

//first we login
LoginService loginService = new LoginService();
LogOnInfo logOnInfo = loginService.LogInPlainPassword(config, domain, username, password, false);

// then we call OrgunitService using lonOnInfo data to get orgunits matching search name
OrgunitService orgunitService = new OrgunitService();
OrgunitCollection orgunitCollection = orgunitService.GetOrgUnitsSearchByType(logOnInfo.ConfigName, logOnInfo.SessionGuid,searchType);