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[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The DataDictionaryService web service contains web methods that deal with the data structures dynamically defined by the TOPCIA framework.

GetDataDictionaryTableNames method

Get all data dictionary tables from configuration

public string[] GetDataDictionaryTableNames(string config, Guid sessionGuid)
GetDataDictionaryTableNamesOnRoot method

Get all data dictionary tables from configuration that have root as parent

public string[] GetDataDictionaryTableNamesOnRoot(string config, Guid sessionGuid)
GetDataDictionaryTableNamesOnTable method

Get all data dictionary tables from configuration that have table with the speciofied parent table

public string[] GetDataDictionaryTableNamesOnTable(string config, Guid sessionGuid, string parentTableName)
GetTableNames method

Get string array with table names for a tables in tableCollection

private string[] GetTableNames(DataDictionaryTableCollection tableCollection)
Using DataDictionaryService web service

The GetDataDictionaryTableNames method returns a list of table names for all the dynamically created tables.

This example demonstrates retrieving the list of table names for the dynamically created tables.

// GetDataDictionaryTableNames method example

string config = "Test";                        // name of configuration
string domain = "";                            // domain for the user we login with
string username = "test";                    // username for the user we login with
string password = "secret";                    // password for the user we login with

//first we login with a user that has permissions to use the XmlIntegrationService web service
LoginService loginService = new LoginService();
LogOnInfo logOnInfo = loginService.LogInPlainPassword(config, domain, username, password, false);

var service = new DataDictionaryService();
var tableNames = service.GetDataDictionaryTableNames(logOnInfo.ConfigName, logOnInfo.SessionGuid);